The 24Real decision comes after a detailed analysis of recent years regarding the growing interest of customers for the residential sector and the requests constantly received from customers in the office sector to cover with the same professionalism a new field of activity.
"We have closely followed the evolution of the real estate market in Romania, especially to set up a new business segment, and we believe that this is the right time to bring the expertise and know-how acquired in the office area and in the residential sector, one that has gained momentum in recent years. Even if the period is marked by many uncertainties, we are convinced that the approach we will have in the market, with complete services and the orientation towards the real expectations and availability of the client will create the premises for successful collaborations during the following years. We have co-opted specialists from the residential sector in the team and, depending on the evolution of demand, we plan to continuously expand the department ", said Constantin Căpraru, managing partner of 24Real.

 "The more we deepen the process involved in purchasing a home, the more factors we define. We cannot compare the purchase of a home, which for many of us has a certain emotional significance (especially if we refer to a first real estate purchase), with the general purchases in our lives, and at that time I consider it extremely important to empathize -a professional way with everyone's requirement, to carefully manage each step and last but not least to be aware of the complexity and authenticity of each process. I joined the 24REAL team in trying to bring the expertise gained in the residential sector together with the professionalism of colleagues in the office segment and to build a different project on the Romanian market ", added the coordinator of the new residential division of 24Real, Oscar Răceanu.

Currently, 24Real's residential property portfolio numbers about 100 units, and in the next six months the team expects to reach over 300 listed units. "For the first half of 2021, we aim for a rate of 10 transactions successfully completed per month. Our advantage, successfully applied in the office department, is that we will be able to take care of everything that represents the completion of documents and the free offer of legal assistance, energy certification, tabulation or cadastre ", Constantin Căpraru also specified.